What We Do
CoreAlign works to shift culture in the reproductive rights, health and justice movement toward innovation, collaboration and impact, with the ultimate goal of supporting people to develop and implement a long-term, emergent strategy fighting for the resources, rights and respect for their sexual and reproductive lives.
In four years, CoreAlign has created space for almost 800 leaders to practice risk-taking while being generous, generative and curious. Through our field building work we have brought together emerging leaders in the Central and Southern parts of the country to begin long-term strategizing and network development. In our fellowship program we have trained more than 100 leaders in the processes of innovation, resilience, radical collaboration and more. This year we are launching new programs to deepen leaders' innovation practice and connect with one another.
These practices need to be cultivated and supported over the long-term. Through leadership development, field building and network building, CoreAlign is creating spaces, opportunities and activities to reinforce innovation, collaboration and impact as critical for the ongoing success of this culture shift and a winning movement.
Network Building
We connect leaders in an extended network to build relationships and collaborate in furthering the reproductive movement.