Since our first fellowship in 2013, CoreAlign’s fellowships have trained more than 100 leaders in innovative, generative problem-solving and radical collaboration, and created space and opportunities for leaders to practice developing visionary strategies for long-term change.
With curricula designed around cohort-based, experiential learning and relationship-building, our fellowships help connect a network of leaders who work innovatively and collaboratively to change policies, culture and conditions that support all people’s sexual and reproductive decisions.
Learn more about our fellowships:
Generative Fellowship
What problems are you aching to address in your sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice work? The Generative Fellowship will help you put your best and most creative ideas to use and practice innovation and collaboration in service of the movement.
Speaking Race to Power
How do you want to engage with others around race and power, and encourage brave, compassionate and generative conversations? Speaking Race to Power will help you conceptualize and experiment with projects that bring together unlikely allies and break through bottlenecks of race and power in the repro movement.
Meet Our Fellows
Meet our amazing alumni and learn more about their projects.
Fellowship FAQ
Get answers to frequently asked questions about the fellowship program.